Saturday, March 16, 2019

Update from Haiti

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I was not able to leave on February 24th and instead I left on the 12th of March. God was so good and all of my travels went extremely smoothly.

I have spend the last couple of days settling in and getting into a routine balancing the intern/office type responsibilities along with spending time with the kids each day. 

 It is such a blessing to share each day with these amazing kids, each of their unique stories and personalities are so neat to learn more about each time we interact.

 Some prayer requests:
-For many opportunities to share the gospel
-For me to find more ways to connect with the kids, especially the older ones
-For continued health and strength

Thank you all for the support, it does not go unnoticed!

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Wow! I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I have posted on here! I am so sorry! I left Haiti about a month and a half ago, ...