Sunday, March 24, 2019

Where God Guides he Always Provides

     This trip has been incredible so far! Having the privilege to do life along side such amazing people and kids has done so much good for my heart, I don't even have the right words to describe it. The presence of the Lord is felt so strongly and tangibly when there is nothing to distract you from it. Giving all control over your life to God and letting him completely guide your steps is something that so many people never get to experience. I am so very thankful that I can rely on the joy of the Lord each day. Often the days here can be long and hard, and spiritual darkness is very real here; but above all of that each day I am reminded over and over how great our God is and how much he hears our needs.

Today I listened to a sermon online and in it the pastor said "Where God guides he always provides" and that statement could not be more true for my time here so far. While each of my days here is not always packed full of crazy exciting "missionary work", the quiet moments I have gotten to spend holding a child and silently praying over them as they curl closer into my lap, or getting to read reports and create spreadsheets where I get to see how God has multiplied resources, and is using his people to do it have been some of the moments I treasure the most. I am no more qualified to do this then the next person, but I am so glad God has given me the opportunity to do it.

Thank you all for your love and support, it means the world to me!

1 comment:


Wow! I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I have posted on here! I am so sorry! I left Haiti about a month and a half ago, ...